Friday, May 30, 2008

Update #1!!

Ok!!! Angie is off to San Diego! Apparently her plane was a tad delayed...sat on the tarmac for about an hour or so due to "unscheduled maintenance"...that's always fun. She packed books and a movie for her iPod so I'm sure she was fine.
Looks like as of now though (1:40 pm CST) she is flying over California, due to arrive at approx 12:05!!!! Yea!!

Don't forget, we can all check her progress on race day by going to:
Her number is #19847!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck from Gillette, WY! We'll be pulling for you tomorrow, altho we'll be on the road and can't see the web site, I know you'll do well. Love, Tom