Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Monday

I walked one little mile on the treadmill this morning. And also did some work on the stability ball. Felt ok. A little tightness in my calves and ankles. And an achey spot on the side of my lower back. That's a new one....Overall, the recovery from the 20 has been much better than I expected. I'm beyond glad about that.

We are 3 weeks from the marathon. Thus begins the taper. Our miles decrease during these next weeks. It's hard to believe that I'm to this point. It has been so all-consuming. Thinking about the run, complaining about the run, talking about the run, dreading the run, boring others about the run, loving the run, hating the run, preparing for the run, recovering for the run. That's all it has been it seems. But now we are really bringing this thing to a close. Exciting, but sad too in a way I guess. But I'm really ready to do it. Ready to finish this crazy quest.

I'm reading the chapters in the Marathon book titled "A Mental Tour of the Marathon" and "Countdown" -- both dealing with the few days leading up to the race and the race itself. I'm sure there will be some gems in there to share with you later.

Have a good week!

PS - Did I tell you that I ran 20 miles on Saturday?!?!?

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