Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A message from Coach George

Greetings RNR's:

Well this Saturday is the culmination of all the hard work and dedication that you have put in for the past 3 months. The twenty miler. Two zero. Ta when tee. 20. 10 times 2. My age divided by 2 point something.

This one is really important, both from a physical and mental perspective. All of you are physically well prepared - you have logged the miles necessary to break the 20 mile ice. And, once you have a 20 miler under your belt, your level of training is so strong that it will take you the remaining 6.2 on June 1. Heck, the crowds and camaraderie you will experience will make it seem like a walk in the park...well, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration, but they do help tremendously!

Besides the physical preparation, the 20 also will test your mental senses to their max. I know I have come up with every great reason why I should not take one more step, why I should call it a day, even though I have more miles togo. I know all of you have as well, whether it was during those early 4 milers or the recent 18 miler. Funny how our minds try to discourage us at different points in a run. The 20 gives you an even better chance to stand the challenge - to face and defeat each of those great reasons. And once you do, you will realize that they were really worthless reasons in the final analysis. So the next few days, get psyched up for the challenge, and prepared for the mind games.


You know the drill on clothing and equipment - tried and true duds.

You know the drill on pre race and during race nutrition - good carbs.

You know the drill on pre race and during race hydration - lots.

You know the drill on speed - distance matters, time does not.

One more thing that we have not experimented with is the use of salt mid/late race...a small packet to replace sodium lost thru sweat, even moreso with higher temps. I'll bring some if any of you want to try (and have no medical reason to avoid). The gels and accelerade also have sodium and similarly work well for this purpose.

As always, feel free to bring your ipod if you wish, we may be out there for a while...and as you know, my singing gets really old after 3 or 4 hours.

So, see you at Shelby Farms at 7 am on Saturday. The route will be sent in the next day or so, with an attempt to stay in the shade as much as possible due to temps (80's). Plenty of water and your favorite - accelerade - will be available.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the 14er, and good luck on the 20. I know you can do it! Also, great to hear about reaching your monetary goal. Keep plugging, you'll make it. Tom