Monday, May 12, 2008

George is proud of his peeps

A congrats email from Coach George:

Is WHEW an understatement or what?

Congratulations to all of you! Superb job!

You have conquered the big 20. WOW! And virtually everyone who happened to be at Shelby Farms around 12:30 knows it because Angie told them! And strong is another understatement. You guys (gals) looked like you had just taken a jog around the lake! Look out San Diego, the Memphis TNT folks are on their way and lookin' good!

Hope all of you are feeling OK. Soreness is fine, but if you have anything more serious that lingers past tomorrow, please let me know. And do not slack off the mid week runs. But in every case, take them nice and slow.

Also hope Lindy is on the mend, and continues to take it easy to get that IT band all fixed for race day.

We now start the well deserved and much appreciated TAPER! That means a big reduction in the miles for next week's long run. Unless you are really unique, the long runs (especially the 20 miler from Saturday) resulted in microscopic tears in your muscles, and now is the time for rebuilding, so they are even stronger for June 1. You can load up on the protein to help in this process.

So, we back way down to 12 next Saturday, and then 8 the following. Yahoo!

Any questions now that we are approaching race day, shoot them to me. I know I have left out something or many somethings, so don't be shy about asking anything!

And remember the jersey party on Monday, May 19!

See you Saturday, 7 am.

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