The day of the 20. We met at 7am ready (?) to go. I was glad to hear that I wasn't the only one who was a bit nervous to tackle the big 20. We talked George out of running the Tour de Wolf trail because we didn't want to sprain an ankle or get our shoes muddy (He has to *love* having all females on his team.) High five from Nicole "Here we go!". We're off.
It was overcast and a little chilly and at first I was rethinking my sleeveless tank choice, feeling stupid about the sunscreen, and being content with the no-sunglasses option. All three of those thoughts were quickly thrown out the window.
We took off toward the west and ran a new trail all the way to Walnut Grove Bridge. It was a nice change of scenery. Jessica & Julie took off early and it wasn't long before I couldn't see them anymore. Nicole was just ahead of me most of this time. George was going back and forth between her and me. Then we turned around under the bridge and headed back east toward the entrance to the farm. And along the outside loop to the Shell. These were about the first 4 or 5 miles. I felt pretty good. Started off at a good pace and really felt good. Nothing was hurting. I was busying myself with lots of thoughts and songs and was doing a nice job of distracting myself. Nicole was just leaving the refreshments at the Shell when we got there. A little reloading of water and accelerade and some gel and we were off again.
I wore my hydration belt yesterday and was so glad I did. I had drained my bottles before I hit the refreshments both times.
We headed down Germantown Road (Man, there was a lot of fast moving traffic. I'm not used to running on a real street with cars on it.) I saw Anne & Denise (a walker and walker coach on our team). Waves across the street. Now, down the Germantown Greenway. That is such a pretty trail. I enjoyed running down there. It smelled good too - lots of bloomy things going on. Passed Julie & Jessica coming back. Later passed Nicole, also coming back. To the end of the trail (thank goodness there were bathrooms there) then back. Along the way, I saw 2 of Germantown's finest, Officer G and Officer D, on foot patrol of the trail. We stopped to chat with them for a second and were off again. I wished Happy Mother's Day to a pregnant lady strolling with her husband. Back to Germantown Road, but under the bridge to the *other* end of the trail. Then back to the Shell. Loaded up on fluids again and we're off. This is where it gets dicey.
These were probably miles 13-16. The trail back to Farm Road was tough. It was really heating up and I drank all my water. Running just wasn't coming very easy. My shoulders

George said all we needed was the long side of the lake and the Chickasaw Trail. I could do that. Saw Anne & Denise. "Nice to be back in this zip code!!" There's a porta-potty on the long side of the lake. One quick stop there and then around the lake. I couldn't get back to the Visitor's Center quick enough. I needed water so badly. I WAS SO THIRSTY. George had gone on ahead and was waiting with Nicole's husband and Jessica's husband (?)/boyfriend (?) (Not sure). Lots of water. Then Julie & Jessica came up and finished their 20. Yea!! Cheers all around. They made great time. Strong runners. More water, some oranges, some gel, another bathroom break. All I needed was the Chickasaw Trail and I was done. We chose the entrance to the trail where we knew we would see Nicole.
We passed her at about her last half mile. She looked good and was moving along. High fives. The trail is marked in .25 increments. We entered on the 'end' of the trail, so it counted down. Appropriate it seemed. More running. More walking. I was counting it down. It seemed very doable at this point. I knew I could go another mile, half mile, etc. I was carrying Daddy's picture along this trail. I knew he could help me get to the finish.
A younger guy was fishing in the big lake. I had maybe 3/4 of a mile to go. "How are you?" "I'm tired, how are you?" "I'm doin' alright." "I have run 20 miles today." "Wow. I can't even walk 20 miles." I ran off. I heard him say "YOU GO GIRL!!" as I ran away. Thanks Mr. Sleeveless T-shirt Fisherman.
Oh, we were almost done. Down the big hill. Around the curve. Down the walk. Into the parking lot. FINISH LINE!!!
Julie, Nicole & Jim were waiting for me (they said Jessica had just left). Sweet of all of them to wait for me since they were exhausted too. Cheers and hugs and high fives all around. I

I finished in 4:50:00. Which is a 14:30 mile. I was thinking last night that I could have really shaved some time if I had not had the crash during miles 13-16. But that's ok. I was just proud to have finished in under 5 hours actually.
The usual when I got home. Cool bath, warm shower, lunch. Little nap. Another hot shower. I really felt ok. Much better than I thought I would. Don't get me wrong - I was tired and wasn't moving too fast. And would have been content doing nothing - which really didn't happen. The kids gave me my Mother's Day present early. A lumbar massage pillow from Brookstone. Aaaahhhhh. Timing is everything. Nothing was hurting. Nothing ever hurt - even during the run. Just stiff. I hit the bed early. During the thunderstorm/tornado watch. Told Jodi to wake me up if a tornado came. Good night.
Today I feel good. Was a bit stiff this morning, but feeling good this afternoon.
Nicole & I wondered yesterday where the other 6.2 miles would come from during the marathon. But I think during the actual marathon the crowds and the bands will carry us through. I really can't wait! I am certain that I can run this marathon and finish it!!!
We are 3 weeks away. Next Saturday is 12 miles, then 8, then the marathon.
I feel so good. I'm just really proud of myself.
I RAN 20 MILES!!! Yea!!!

1 comment:
I say YEA!! We're all proud of you. I enjoy the blog and digest the descriptions of the runs. I have walked the Germantown Greenway several times and walked along the noisey busy Parkway, so I can picture it as you go. I think the real marathon will be a little easier because it will be a straight run with a big crowd going with you, not a pieced together bunch of segments by yourself. You will be able to just get swept up with the crowd and go with the flow and there'll be lots of encouragement along the way. You can do it; go for it! Tom
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