Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hello, I'm #19847

That's my race number! I got a packet of info in the mail yesterday. Lots of info. My confirmation sheet, a huge race brochure, the course map, shuttle schedules, etc. WOW! It was a lot to digest last night at 9pm, so I'm going to get a closer look today. I was just telling Jodi about it and he said "It's getting more and more real, isn't it?!"

It appears that Andrea from LLS has registered the entire team to have the same predicted finish. Guess that's so we can all be in the same corral at the start. So I'm listed as having a predicted finish time of 5:30:00. Sounds good doesn't it? I was thinking over the weekend, that I may be able to do this in about 6:30:00. Is that too ambitious? My original time estimate when I started this crazy mess was 7:00:00. We put 6:45:00 on my registration form. Oh well, it doesn't really matter how long it takes me. I just plan to FINISH. (Although I do catch myself thinking about the time....)

Look what I found yesterday at Target!!! TURTLE PAJAMA PANTS!!! Just for me! How cute are these guys?! I will definitely be taking these to San Diego.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I went to Target, I saw some pajamas that have clouds on them. You need them to wear after you finish your run. You will be flying on clouds then.