Yesterday's route was from the Visitor's Center to the Shell, to the end of the Greenway, back to the Shell and then back to the Visitor's Center. Each leg of that is 3 miles. For a total of 12 miles. That sounded most appealing. No Chickasaw Trail or laps around the lake.
I started a bit earlier than the group. I figured my turtle self would be running alone, so I might as well do that on the front end and then finish with the group rather than the other way around. So off I went....
The first 3 miles to the Shell were beyond awful. In fact, there was a time very early on that I actually thought I was going to have to turn around and go back. My IT band was flaring up, my calves were tight, my legs were like lead. Everything just hurt. It was not pretty at all. Couldn't even run. I was just walking. And barely doing that. I was stopping to stretch every few steps. I worked through most of the ouchiness and then just thought I would have to walk the whole 12 stupid miles. But then it started getting better, so I trotted along to the Shell. George had already left the cooler, so I had some water and a gel and headed to the Greenway. The only good thing that happened during these first 3 miles was I saw a cute rabbit on the trail.
We have never run this trail this early in the morning. It was just *so* pretty. The sun was low and was coming through the trees shining onto the path. It was peaceful. The temps were nice. The birds were singing. (I even turned my iPod off during part of this leg so I could just listen. Of course, the loudest things I could hear were my feet pounding on the pavement and my labored breathing.) I was just looking and listening and smelling everything and thinking how beautiful it was. Then I thought, "This is what Daddy sees every day!" and that made me happy.

Halfway down this trail, I ran into a guy that I used to work with. He's a runner, but it was just so out of place to see him there. (CC friends, it was PTambur! How funny is that?!). We chatted for awhile. He was aware of my TNT quest and was actually the very first donation I received. So, after a little chit chat, I was off again.
Made it to the end of the trail where the glorious bathroom is. A little pit stop and more gel. Then turn around and head back. I was halfway! Yippee!
It wasn't too long before I saw George and Julie. They were the only ones running. Nicole wasn't feeling well and Jessica's brother was getting married this weekend so she had commitments. A little chatty chat. And we all continued. I felt pretty sure they would eventually catch up to me anyway.
Back to the Shell. And then back to the Visitor's Center. I did it! The end. It was nice to just run that and not have to go into the farm for the Chickasaw. So I hung out at the cooler and ate some grapes and peanut butter crackers. I was feeling pretty good about my little 12-miler until I saw three guys come up from the lake trail riding UNICYCLES. Thanks a lot.
My total time was 2:55:50. That's a 14:40 pace. The good thing about that is, I must have made some really good time on the last half of my miles because those first 3 were just so awful. So, my time *could* have been better overall if I had not had the rocky start. Gives me a little encouragement for the marathon that I just might finish with a moderately respectable time (for turtles).
George & Julie showed up shortly after I finished, and, while I did start almost an hour before them, it was kind of nice to be at the finish line and cheer for others coming in. What a change!
I did get to relax a good part of the afternoon and sit outside with my book. The weather was so very nice and I am sporting a nice little sunburn today as a result of that. I was really tired and sore last night and am still very stiff this morning. Hope to stretch it out today. Jodi wants to get a run in and the kids want to ride bikes & scooters - so we may go to the Greenway. We'll see.
The marathon is 2 weeks from today. Can you believe that?!
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