OK peeps -- we're getting down to the last day of preparation here. I'm very excited. And then all of a sudden, I get this major wave of nervousness. But it's all good. I'll finish my packing today and hope to get in bed early (earliER) for a good night's sleep. I've got to get up very early to catch a 6am flight. But usually in those situations, I wake up all night long worried that I'm going to oversleep and miss my flight.
Hope you all will send me a little rah-rah on Sunday. Race starts at 6:30am. We should be rollin' by 7am for sure (remember, wave start -and we're in corral 19). And don't forget to adjust the vibes you are sending to Pacific Time. That's 2 hours behind us here in Memphis.
Thanks to Linda T. and Paige L. for their donations. My fundraising total is $4401!!
OK, more later....
PS - How cute is that turtle guy up there? Get it? TNT - TEAM IN TRAINING!?!?!
1 comment:
OK, it is time to get serious. We have all had fun with this "bloggy" thing as Connie calls it. It is now time to be serious. Angie, when you hear that loud noise as you go over the finish line, it is a big roar from ALL the wonderful people who loved your Dad, who love you and have contributed so generously to this cause. We all know how ugly leukemia is and want it to be eradicated. In time, it will be, and you and all of your wonderful friends and supporters will have had a part in it. And, I want to say a big thank you to all of you for the support you have given Angie along this journey. Your encouragement and support have been very inportant to her. Please pray for a safe trip for her and for her to have a good and succesful run.
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