Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The most exciting news of all

Big fat zero miles for me today. My ankles/feet/shins/calves were hurting last night and again this morning. Just felt tight and almost burning a little. Where did that come from? I got up anyway and did 45 minutes of pilates and stretches. So the morning wasn't a complete waste. It just felt like my body was saying NO THANK YOU to any running or even walking today. So I said ok. Oh well. What's a girl to do?

Now for the most exciting news of all! I MET -- AND EXCEEDED -- MY FUNDRAISING
GOAL!!!!! Thanks to all of you! I'm so excited about that. My current total is $4,126. YEA!!!!! I am so appreciative of each of you and the support you have given me. I know there are so many different causes that you can choose to support and there are mortgages and tuition and light bills to pay and $4 a gallon gas to buy. So thank you so much for making your donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. For me - for my dad. I hope you know that YOU have made a DIFFERENCE. This money goes to research that just takes us one more step closer toward finding a cure for blood cancers.

I just hate leukemia. I hate the fact that any time my little innocent 5 year old son hears that somebody died, he says "Did they have leukemia?" Someone was writing a check for me yesterday and said "Help me out - I don't know how to spell leukemia." I hate the fact that I do know how to spell it. I hate the fact that it took my dad. I just hate it. I. Hate. Leukemia. And I will forever be an advocate for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to raise both funds and awareness for blood cancers. Here are some facts (again) about leukemia & blood cancers:
  • Over 135,000 people were diagnosed wtih leukemia or another blood cancer in 2007.
  • Over 52,000 people will die this year from leukemia or lymphoma.
  • Every 10 minutes someone dies from a blood cancer. That's 143 people per day. That's 6 people every hour.
  • There are 4 different types of leukemia. AML, the type my dad had, currently has a 20.7% five year survival rate.

I was thinking last night about the money you've donated for this Team in Training. And the money that a lot of you have also given over the last two years when we had a team for Light the Night. When you add all that up together, the total is over $10,000. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!! In less than 2 years. I think that is AMAZING. I am certain that Daddy would just be blown away by that. He would be so humbled to know that you have all done that for him. So, I just want you all to feel good about what you have done. One day there will be a cure. And you will have had a part in that. Doesn't that feel good?!?!

OK, that's all about that for now. Thanks for reading. Thanks for supporting me. Thanks for remembering my dad.

Don't forget.... Saturday.....TWENTY MILES!!!

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