Thursday, March 13, 2008

Morning for Miracles

Training schedule called for 6 miles today. My time frame and my C.C.C. (current calf condition) called for 3 miles. I sure don't want to press myself right now when I'm making such progress and then louse up Sunday's 1/2. Very pleasant morning today. It was 61 and no wind. I actually wore short sleeves. Nice.

I can sum up my first 1.5 miles like this:

It just STUNK. My calves were tight. I was S.L.O.W. It just wasn't happening. I kept walking, but even that felt slow. Not a lot of running. Lots of stretching. Pressing on.

Then, something AMAZING happened. I saw this:

Coming right toward me! IT WAS A CAR! Oh hello car!!! It was a person!!! And it wasn't even the paper boy. I'm sure he thought "what a nutcase out here at 4:15 am". I flashed him my peace sign and kept moving.

I hit the halfway point and stretched out AGAIN. Then, miracle #2. I turned into this:

OK - maybe not speedy, but just play along.... I ran my last 1.5 only stopping one time. It felt super duper. And my average mile during my last half was (drumroll here) 13:18!!! WOWIE! I could not even believe it. I am really happy with the way that turned out.

I know that's not fast. But it is fastER for me. And to think that just a few weeks ago, I was hurting so bad and on the DL. Now there is almost no pain in my shins like before. And once the tightness gets worked out of my calves, I'm apparently good to go. So yea for me!

On another note, long story, but I found out that the three-legged dog that almost lapped me at the lake a few weeks ago (remember that one?) belongs to one of my doctors here. Small world. Dr. S. made a generous donation to my effort and he is also running the Germantown Half. I was thanking him and talking to him this morning about all of it and he explained that the course actually doubles back rather than making a big loop, so eventually, every one who is ahead of me, will pass me going the other way toward the finish. Does that make sense? What I'm trying to say is that Jodi will come back by me at some point (as will about 650 other people), so I'll see him during the race, not just at the start line. Sweet.

Progress made:
My pace is quickening!
My fundraising total is growing!

My 'itis' is improving!

Need to work on:
Getting everything ready for Sunday. Altho I'm not sure what I need to do. I just feel compelled to 'prepare'.

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