Friday, March 7, 2008

All eyes on the sky...and the radar

Woo-hoo! So it really looks like we're going to get some snow. Just how much still remains unseen. But it does appear that it could be 3-6 inches maybe. Or more. Or less. Who really knows. Some of the schools are already closing at noon. (Tom, QUIT laughing.) Bring on the snow!!!

My plan for this morning was to do my new stability ball DVD. But when I went up there, I couldn't get the DVD player to work. I think the kids had played with the Nintendo and I don't know how to switch it back over to the DVD player. Anyway, the morning was not a complete loss because I walked a bit on treadmill. Nothing major at all. I threw in the occasional trot. Felt ok. Glad for that. Then I just did some stretches and exercises for my remaining 45 minutes. It seemed to hurt shortly after I quit, but right now it really doesn't feel that bad. So that's a good thing. A nice morning that made me feel like I'm kind of on the mend.

With the impending Winter Death 2008 forecast, I am not planning to run tomorrow morning. Sunday is supposed to be in the mid-50's. So I can take care of my 8-miler then. Will just see how it goes.

Bring on the snow!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leave it to your mother - did you forget that with temps in the 20's Saturday night that what melted will turn to ice - not a good track to run on.