Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday! Forms!

We all know what today is...REST DAY!!! I have grown to love sleeping for that extra hour. Long run is 10 miles tomorrow. I just confirmed it with George. He kills me when he says "a nice easy little 10 mile run". Whatever.

We got our recommitment info yesterday from the Leukemia Society. This is the time they say "You've committed to raise $4000. Will you still do that? Do you want to continue?" And we have to recommit. So - hint hint - if you are on the fence about making a donation to my efforts, this is the time to do it!!! Thank you for considering helping me out. (Every little bit helps. I'm very grateful!!!)

We have a ton of forms we have to fill out about our hotel reservations, race registration, shirt size, pasta party, post-race concert, transportation, etc. There's a part on the registration form that says "estimated finishing time" and it looks like this: [_ ] [ _ _ ] [_ _ ] (Hr Min Sec) What? no DAY option here? or no DOUBLE DIGIT hour option ... like 10 hours?!?

So I just went to talk to George about this "estimated finishing time" thing. The race organizers need to know this so they can group runners together with the same pace. In other words, the faster runners all start together so they don't run over a slower runner. (All the turtles get to start together!! Hooray!!) It's called your running 'corral'. Seriously. Like we're cattle. George said then everybody starts moving together. Of course I'm all about a good pun so I said "mooooooooooving together". He did a little calculating and he recommended 6:45:00. EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK! I had thought from the beginning that I could finish in 7 hours. So he said to make it a bit challenging. So that's my goal. 6 hours, 45 minutes, 0 seconds. And that's what I put on my registration form. In pen. The End.

Today all the talk is T-I-G-E-R-S!!! They are playing in Reliant Stadium on a court right in the middle of a football field. The court is on a raised platform which makes the teams' benches below court level. Hope nobody gets too aggressive going after the ball. Here's a pic:

Some good ball last night. West Virginia almost knocked off Xavier. And the Vols lost!! I'll continue to pull for Louisville - maybe they can beat UNC tomorrow. But tonight it's all Tigers!!! I leave you with this great picture of Joey Dorsey doing his thing last week against Mississippi State. Check out his arms - WOW! GO TIGERS!!!!!

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