Monday, March 24, 2008

Going nowhere fast

Miles on my feet since Thursday night = 57 (or so it feels)

Miles spent running = 0

We got home last night from a fun, but busy weekend in Nashville. The Opryland Hotel is so big. We walked and walked and walked to all Jordan's events.

My legs were giving me some fits on Thursday and Friday nights. Probably a combination of final recovery from the half marathon, being cooped up in the car driving up there, all that walking at the hotel, and sleeping on a hard, tiny, double bed with my 10 year old who unbeknownst to me has 15 legs and 8 elbows (ouch).

I planned to return to my normal training schedule this morning, but I was just SO SO SO tired. So I'll put in my three tomorrow. I promise. I am anxious to run again.

I will leave you with some pictures from the half marathon.
This is at about mile 4...
Approaching the finish line with Jodi.
I'm almost there!



Anonymous said...

Love your pictures!! You looked so tired today. Hopefully tomorrow you will back into your routine.

As always,

Anonymous said...

One of these days I will figure out how to leave a comment on your blog! I did not mean to be anonymous....