Tuesday, March 25, 2008

100 MILES!!

Today I officially hit 100 miles that I have run since the beginning of our training in January. I'm sure I've gone over that since I don't track some of the 'runs' that were mostly 'walks'. But I am celebrating today as my 100-mile mark. Ta-da!!!

I put in 2 miles on the treadmill this morning. I actually thought once that I wished I were outside -- who would think I would ever feel that way about my treadmill. But it's so boring. And there is that constant blinking display telling you how far (or how NOT far) you've come. But I got through it with a little help from a Law & Order rerun.

My knee was hurting while I was running. What's up with that?

I am accepting the fact that it has taken me longer to recover from the half than I thought it would. It took quite a little toll on the ol' 42 year old bod. In turn, I've had to slow it down these last 10 days which makes it a bit harder to pick up again. I am catching myself thinking that I really want to RUN a large portion of the marathon. Which would be nice. But my goal is to FINISH the marathon. So when I am sidelined, or slower, or aching, I have to just continue doing what I can do, at the pace my body dictates, and keep my mind focused on the original goal.

In the fundraising arena, my total is sitting at $2,821!! You guys are amazing and I am humbled and so appreciative of your generosity and support. I know Daddy would be too. I am touched by the gifts I have received from people I do not know. I received a gift this weekend from another friend of my dad's cousin. A person whom I've never met. But she is cheering me on and supporting my effort. (Thanks Sally!) I also got a donation from someone with no connection to me or my family. She was searching online for participants in the Germantown Half Marathon, found this blog, and made a donation to my Team in Training. I am almost at a loss for words by her act of kindness. (Alissa, I don't even know if you've come back to read more...but thank you!!) I am just so thankful to all of you for your donations. It's an amazing testimony to my dad. This is all about him. And I hope that you know how humbled and grateful he would be. But most importantly I hope every one of you knows that your gift - large or small - makes a difference in the lives of people who are suffering from leukemia and other blood cancers. Each dollar is just one more step toward a cure. You really are making a difference. I hope you know that. I'm crying now, so I'll quit.

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