Thursday, February 21, 2008

Taking it slow

I was anxious to attempt to run, walk or even move on the treadmill this morning because my calves were hurting so bad. I put in 2 miles - walking mostly and a little running. My calves were burning almost the whole time. I just think I need to take it real slow and not push myself through this. But right now, almost 2 hours later, I am feeling better than I was while I was actually walking. So I wonder what that's about. I am wondering if I will be able to run/walk the 9 miles on Saturday. Or maybe I should just walk all of it and just let this inflammation settle down. I need to ask Nanette about that.

Big banner headline on the front page of the CA today about the Tigers/Vols game: "Bring 'em on!". That's funny - that's almost the same title I posted last night. But that's how Memphis is thinking right now. This game on Saturday is huge and is the talk of the town and the hottest ticket around. I AM STOKED and cannot wait!!! GO TIGERS! (Can you believe we shot almost 78% from the free throw line?!)

Progress made:

Accomplished 2 miles of movement this morning

My fundraising total is $2,026! Thanks everybody!

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