Thursday, February 14, 2008

I am a slug

First, GO TIGERS!! Tough first half - I was nervous - and we even trailed at half-time. Houston wanted it bad, but the Tigers pulled it out during the 2nd half. The first few minutes of the 2nd half were beyond awesome. Big test ahead this Saturday against UAB on the road. Crowd will be hostile and a sell-out I'm sure. GO TIGERS!!!

Slugs only have one foot and they do not move at an astonishing speed. In fact, they only move at a meagre 0.025 miles per hour. That's one mile per 1.6 days. The slug would be descriptive of me today. What an off day I had. I was supposed to RUN for FOUR miles. I ended up WALKING for TWO miles. Slug. My body just said "No way" this morning. Honestly, I just could not run. Normally when the alarm goes off, I'm able to get up and get moving pretty quickly. I do love early mornings. But today just wasn't like that. The alarm went off and I was so tired. I felt completely wiped out. I had good intentions of running the entire distance. But nothing from my knees down was working. At all. It just wouldn't happen. So now I am trying to decide if I should put in 2 miles tonight to get my 4 miles in or just take the remainder of the day off to rest. My head says add the 2 miles. My legs say no thank you. I am discouraged this morning, but determined to press on. At this rate, me and the slug are running at about the same pace. It should take me 41.6 days to complete the marathon.


Anonymous said...

Slow and steady wins the race....

Anonymous said...

Just looked at the training schedule. I was only supposed to put in 3 miles today, not 4. So I'm only a partial slug....

Anonymous said...

Hi I just found out that your running this marathon and I am so proud for you. I know God will bless your running as you train. You are not a slug but an Eagle slowly reaching toward the sky. Remember this "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." - Romans 12:12 NIV God bless you. Love Leah Ann Kelley