Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Friday night

It's Friday night.

Eve of the long run.

Nine miles tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure I'll be walking most of it.

Walking is ok.

It's movement.

Maybe I should stick with the walkers tomorrow.

How long will it take this inflammation to go away?

I am tired of smelling like Icy Hot.

Jodi is tired of me smelling like Icy Hot.

I want to be able to run.

I think I might like it.

Maybe I'll turn into a runner.

Wouldn't that be funny?

The ouch has to go away.

Guess it will sooner or later.

Wish it were sooner, not later.

Now I'm trying Alleve.

Twenty four hours and thirty minutes until the Tiger game.

I'm so psyched.

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