Wednesday, April 9, 2008


An email from Connie this morning....I couldn't have said it better myself.

TO: Angie

FROM: Connie

SUBJECT: I've become you...

Fed up with ugly posts about my Tigers...signed up and posted one of my own...

Some of you guys really make me sad. The Tigers blew it, no doubt, and I am totally heart broken about that. But there is more to this than basketball. Some of these boys come from some pretty rough backgrounds. They really needed something good to happen in their lives where they could say "We worked hard, look what we accomplished." Instead of supporting them and their hard work, people are doggin' them all over the place. Are they "thugs", as some have stated?...well, if you define "thug" as a college kid who makes a stupid, immature decision, yeah, I guess they are...but then again most of us would fall into that category, wouldn't we?? We can't all be Hansbroughs, born into wealth and solid family situations. Heck, some adults still do stupid, immature stuff (like post ugly things about a bunch of KIDS on a sports message board).

Cal has done a wonderful job with these boys being both coach and father figure to them. My heart breaks for them because they played their hearts out, but lost it in the end. Kansas was awesome, the game was awesome!! But it was a tough loss and really hard to swallow. It is hard to live with "if only"s. They will never forget that, and some of you will never let them forget it.

I love my Tigers and am so proud of them.

Y'all lighten up. There is a lot more to this than just losing a game....

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