Friday, April 18, 2008

Easier said than done

Friday. The day before Saturday. The day of the LONG RUN. Why do I get myself so worked up about the long runs? For one thing, I haven't really run in two weeks. That's a long time. Then I just roll it all around my head over and over....What if I can't finish? What if it takes me forever? What if my knee starts hurting? What if....What if.....What if.... I HAVE to stop doing that.

The LONG RUN. I read this little description this week which sums it up nicely.
"Going long" is a hallowed weekend tradition that is despised and loved, feared and revered, bragged and complained about. Amen to all that.

We're scheduled for 12 miles tomorrow. Easy enough, right? I've done that distance. Twice. I asked Nanette this morning if I should attempt to run until I couldn't or plan to just run a shorter distance. She said to play it by ear, run until I need to stop and avoid all hills. OK, I can do that.
Route tomorrow is Visitor's Center to Shell Station up Germantown Parkway to Greenbelt (If it's not still flooded. More rain expected today.) until we hit 6 miles and then back. Easy. Straight. Flat. Doable.

Julie is leading our group tomorrow, because George in Boston to run the Boston Marathon on Monday! Good luck to him. Run George Run!!!

Tonight I will charge up my iPod, maybe add some new songs (that playlist is a good one, but man, I've been listening to it FOREVER), and use the foam roller to get my muscles loosened up real good. And I will RELAX.....or try to.....

Have a good weekend everybody!

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