Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So Derrick Rose is leaving. And Coach Cal is staying. And Chris Douglas-Roberts isn't talking. And today at 2pm, we find out if Tyreke Evans is coming. As the world turns for the Tigers...

My knee is significantly better. I did about 30 minutes of stretching this morning. Felt good. I was going to attempt some kind of movement, but felt a teeny bit of twinging so I didn't. I am starting to see the light at the end of the ITB injury tunnel. I am walking around with practically no pain. Finally. I'm glad. I really want to get back with my training and my feeble attempt at running. The whole ITB pain has been a bit brutal. And quite pesky. It has just taken longer to get through it than I expected. But it is also apparently a fairly common running woe. I think I have made a wise decision about taking this time off to let it clear up. Again, one small detour is better than a major derailment. The extra rest has been nice. Having the WHOLE day on Saturday last weekend was just divine. But I also am WANTING to walk or run. I miss the exercise. Anyway, I do believe I'm approaching the end of this detour. In the meantime, you know the drill, more NSAIDS, stretches, ice, and the beloved foam roller.

Let's talk a little bit about that foam roller. I love to hate that thing. But it is pretty effective. You basically roll your body weight along the roller. It allows the tightene
d knots and irritated tissue and muscle to loosen up. Almost like a self-massage of sorts. In fact, this concept is called "self-myofascial release technique". And let me tell you -- in the beginning, when you find that sore spot and roll on it....OUCHYMAMA!!! Major ooowwwwie! But the more you roll on that sore, tight spot the better it feels. So, I've been rolling around the bathroom floor with the ol' foam roller. I've been using it also on other places - my calves, hamstrings, back, etc. And sometimes, it actually feels good. It's a good way to keep your muscles loosened up. And from what I've read online, there are lots of runners that use it on a regular basis. I saw somebody one Saturday morning at Shelby Farms rolling on one in the parking lot before her run. It's a pretty useful little thing. OK, it's not so little. But it's useful. And cheaper than a $75 massage.

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