Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh no...

I just took off my toenail polish. My big toenail looks like it's turning black. A quick email to Coach George about my condition garnered this response: Yaaahooo. Now you have passed the final initiation.

Sadly, I think he's actually quite proud of me.....


Unknown said...

I'm with George; if that's all the ill effects you have, you've come throught smelling like a rose ;-) ! I have enjoyed your blog and the adventure very much. I have watched coverage of the Boston Marthon many times, but this is the first time I've ever heard first hand what it's like to run a marathon, and I enjoyed the inside scoop and learned a lot. Contratulations again! What are you going to do next? Are you going to keep writing the blog, about everyday life maybe? Tom

Anonymous said...

Why is she making such a big deal about her toenail........ Actually it is sandal season!!!!! OH NO!!!!