Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Feet

I just saw Dr. M. in the hallway -- he's one of our foot surgeons. I told him I had run the marathon and I had hurt my toe. He said "Congratulations. I told you so." (He had told me in December that I would be 'seeking him out' when it was all over.) Anyway, he looked at Big Toe and said it didn't look like I was going to lose the toenail! HOORAY!!! He said it was just 'major bruising from a traumatic injury' and I should rest it. Yea for that. He also couldn't understand why I was upset over the possibility of losing a toenail. Anne & I were high-fiving the salvation of the toenail and he kept saying "It's just a toenail. Why were you upset about that?" BECAUSE IT'S SANDAL SEASON!!! AND I'M A GIRL!!!!! I had taken the polish off Big Toe last night to see if it was discolored and now am sporting 9 toes featuring OPI Cajun Shrimp and 1 plain toe. I will have to remedy that tonight. Anyway, Mr. Went To Market Toe, I'm glad you decided to stick with the other piggies.

Today, I'm still moving a little slow, but much improved from yesterday. I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait.

More to come real soon about my marathon weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
You are hysterical! Glad your toenail is hanging on...and don't worry, all of us ladies understand that!
Where are you getting your massage?? I really want/need to schedule one!!
Your blog is so cute...wish I could have been following along this whole time!
So proud of you!